closed species: delmurs


11.05.2020 07:50
LinkOk, so these species are closed for know so yeah,
Delmurs are a mix of deer, lemur, and wolf. Packs of these creatures are called “murries” Ones with skulls are tribe leaders or defenders. ((tribes are water/ice, fire/ash, sky/rain, nature/land.)) They are mostly seen in the mountains. They usually eat plants except for the fire tribe. Only leaders and defenders have detailed patterns on their skulls. Regular ones have the option of wearing one, But it has to be simple. The defenders use the magic based on what tribe they are in. The packs are not really social creatures. While ones that were abandoned by there tribe can be pets and very social. All come in different patterns and colors. The horns are as well. They can have hooves or paws and even both as well. The sclera of the eye stays yellow as the pupil comes in many colors though.

11.05.2020 07:51
Linkwater tribe: Can have fishtails and horns that are able to bee seen through. They stick to the yellow, green, blue, and yellow colors
Fire tribe: Horns are pointy or the horns can be fire. Most have hooves and very sharp teeth. The tail can be fire as well ((fire can be any color)) They stick to the orange, yellow, red, black, and grey colors.
Sky tribe: They can have wings. Their horns are short and there very fluffy. They can have feathers on their body and mostly there tail. They stick too purple, pink, and blue colors.
Land tribe: They mostly have deer horns but have either hooves or paws. They stick to any color theme. They are also very fluffy and the most common.
Those tribes are optional. Solo delmurs come in any design. So yeah.