

15.10.2018 23:30
Linkyou didn't know that when i made you fanart and lure you in so i could confront you untill i told you, and why the **** are you stalking me? like every anim even remotely related to you you comment some rude ass shit and i'm tired of it so i'm just going to say this: WTF are you doing you bratty ass 10 year old?! i'm the same age as you and i am ashamed that your acting like this! and your 10. 10. you don't act like your a fricking 3 year old having a temper tantrum.
That's all i had to say okay? hate me if ya' want but that's just hw your acting.

16.10.2018 11:56
Linklisten i dont like People making anims about me whitout knowing

16.10.2018 12:21
Link...***** this was a ****ing rant i WANTED you to see this.