how to play the floor is lava:


26.10.2020 02:03
Linknow sweeties here's the actual version

26.10.2020 02:05
you need some sort of method of tying up, like rope or whatever you think of...
you also need another person to do this, such as your brother or friend!

26.10.2020 02:06
Linkyou need to find someone, atleast old enough to understand whats going on...and you needa kidnap them...

26.10.2020 02:07
Linkyou need weapons of your choice..
like bow..sickle...hammer...gun...
or you could do the original and use a chair!

26.10.2020 02:09
LinkYou kidnap someone and bring them to the location you will be playing "the floor is lava"
preferably in a house...
you lock all the windows and doors, and with your friend, let the kidnapped go "free" but they are still in the location you choose...
then here's the fun part!

26.10.2020 02:11
Linkyou grab your weapon of choice, and you and the other person find the kidnapped, and once you do...shout out "the floor is lava!" and strike/hit them with your weapon and that's how its done!
me and @Canada-Bean played this before its really fun!
and the best part is eating the heart or whatever, maybe you dont eat the remaining...