Thanks mom.


24.06.2021 04:04
LinkFor blaming me for everything wrong in your life and calling me names.

24.06.2021 04:04
LinkI really ****ing appreciate it

24.06.2021 04:05
LinkIm not talking to my parents when i move out. I am blocking everyone in my family and getting the hell out.

24.06.2021 04:07
LinkYeah its my fault that you quit your job. Its my fault that you have to worry about me so much. its my fault you cant relax. I tried fixing it with the rope in my closet but i guess you dont want one less child to worry about? One that will make your life easier by being gone? Whatever.

24.06.2021 04:08
LinkIts my fault that you have to wastr your precious time and gas driving me to therapy.

24.06.2021 04:10
LinkGod damn i want it to end why do i have to cause her so much problems all the time i try to be good but i always find a way to make her angry and lash out at me i want my dad to come home he would tell her to go in the room and stop i want him to come home

24.06.2021 04:12
LinkI tell her sorry but she just keeps going and tells me that im not sorry and that I am just a brat and i dont care about anyone but myself and that im not sorry and that i am horrible