feels good to be a gangster
Grey Wolf In the Field
my pet rock
Thanks Katsudeku!
some picture i took
Why did this take so long
Story time #1
19.07.2018 20:28
LinkLemme tipe
Okie so this is a story about A THROWING STAR!!!!!!!!!! So one day I went on vacation to a place and my ants took me and my siblings to a bar and THARE wus a claw machine THARE and this one dude realy old and he look crazy!!!! Gave me 5courtes to put in the claw machine so you know I took them and THARE wus a throwing star in that but it had looked like a dope fighit spinner so I wus like imma win this one so I used alllll the courters so he grabbed a key and took it out fore me so I tried to spin it and it did not work so I just pressed this one thing and BAM IT GREW FRICKIN KNIVES so I just showed my sister Neko about it and she said okie so hide it in your pocket until we get home SO we got home and I left it in my backpack SOO I went to go spend the night at my grandmas house fore a night and wen I got home the throwing star wus gone and I wus like "ITS FRICKIN GONE FOREVER SOME RANDOM PERSON TOOK IT" so later that night I herd sista Neko crying but I did not care because I wus on flianim -.- so YAE and.