NOT the RP from yesterday


17.03.2018 23:34
LinkDont use your OCs, just make random characters to use. You can only have 2 at max. RP has to be detailed and lengthy if needed.
THIS is the kind of RPs they had on my old site.
I just want to see if anyone is willing to try that style-

17.03.2018 23:40
LinkI doubt anyone will though sadly

17.03.2018 23:43
LinkMario reclined on his chair, wafting the hot summer air over his plump, rotund body. It had-a been quite-a hard-a time, he a-thought. Mario sighed. He couldn't even think in any other accent than italian. A-well, It is a-time to a-find Luigi. After the last convoluted and miserable adventure to find the kidnapped princess peach, he really needed the break, but without the income he made from breaking his head on blocks along the way, he needed to get back into his plumbing job.
"A-****-a, where is a-Luigi, that-a fat-a ****!" He exclaimed, trying to pick himself up from his chair. A soft breeze picked up, which would have been good if it were not for the fact that Mario was allergic to pollen.
"Oh a no" He said. "A-a-A-aa-A-A-a-a-A-aa-A-A-a-a-A-aa-A-A-a-a-A-aa-A-A-a-a-A-aa-A-A-a-aACHOOOO-A-aa-A-A-a-"
He frowned in dismay. The worst misery in life to exist was having to sneeze in an italian accent.

17.03.2018 23:46
LinkAvailable Positions:
-3 Cook (Ask)
-4 Maids (FTU)
-Any Amount of Passengers (FTU)
- 2 Lookouts (Ask)
- (FTU) Ship Maintenance
-(Ask) Ship Guards

17.03.2018 23:46
Linkand one plumber

17.03.2018 23:47
Linkyes never forget the plumber lel

17.03.2018 23:50
Link(can i be a ship guard)

18.03.2018 00:09

Where you put your characters:
Whats required In the Description:
-Height/ Weight if you want
-Basic background and Personality
-Position (ask for anything that isn't passenger)

Jacqueline (Nickname: Jac, pronounces like Jack)
-Too young
- Shes Arabic, but only speaks english since she grew up in america and thats all she was taught. She likes with her grandmother, who speaks both. (Her Grandmother is a background character so it doesn't count) Shes smart and quiet, but sensitive and easily frightened. Curious and likes to explore even when she shouldn't
- Passenger

Acacia Raylian
-5'3 & 178
-Has a somewhat addiction to taking things from people, sometimes doesn't even mean to do it. Reason being was because as a child, she would always have to be sneaky about most things, and she'd take things to distract them from her. She'd return it.. in a few years due to really liking having a lot of stuff, so I guess she's a bit of a hoarder... she's very extroverted and can't pass by someone without saying hi. Let's say she's annoying and easily pisses people off.
-Also a passenger
(This better not have died before it started)

This RP is based off a book i recently read, The Watch That Ends The Night.
RP Starts After this comment:

It was 32 Years Ago, early in the morning on the Port of America, that these events took place. Woman, Men, and Children of all Race, Age, Religion, and gender head towards one of the best ships of the time, the SS Kingston. The ships starting point is Florida, and its ending point is Ireland. The Ships Captain, Carson Alex Emersin, is standing on the dock with a megaphone, instruction people on what to do. He holds it up to his lips and shouts:
"We are Leaving in 20 minutes! Make sure to get in the ship before the walkboard closes!" *He sighs, his feet being tired of standing all morning in the exact same location.

A young-ish looking young woman sprinted for the ship, stumbling every once in a while. As soon as she got on, she tripped due to her sandal bending in an odd way. She picked up the stuff that fell out of one of her suitcases, which bursted open as she had fell. She dusts herself off, hoping no one saw her, but clearly they did.. and she went on her way

*An Old Woman and a young girl are speed-walking towards the dock, trying to get there before it ends. The grandmother is holding the two suitcases, but shes still in her pajamas, and her hair in unbrushed. The girl, on the other hand, looks like shes been ready for hours. They reach the dock and the old lady turns to her granddaughter.*
Grandmother: "Okay now, when you get in there go straight to your assigned room, Jacqueline." *She has a thick Arabic Accent, and a tint of worry in her voice.* "Don't talk to anyone, don't trust anyone, and when you get to port make sure to immedia-"
Jacqueline: "-Find aunt Abiha and the rest of my family, I know."
Grandmother: *Hugs her close and breaths in her hair, her eyes filling with tears.* "Just- Be Careful, okay?"
Jacqueline: "I will, Bye Grandmother, I love you." *she smiles and starts to walk across the dock, handing her passport and identity card.*

(*same lel*)
*The man barely even looks it at before handing it back to her.* "Alright, go ahead." *He lets her pass and continues checking everyone elses passports. A young girl walks up to him carrying two suitcases, with her ID and passport already out. He glances it at, without seeing if its real or not, and lets her go through.*
*Carson Sighs and yells into the microphone again.* "10 minutes! If your coming, you might want to hurry up!" *He says, looking at his watch as he speaks.*