04.05.2019 20:00
Linkok hang on I need to type something
04.05.2019 20:03
LinkSleepingThunder I wanted to apologise for reacting a bit over aggressively to your first comment to me about the whole scammer situation, I misread your comment at first and thought you were the same person as the cyberstake person. I've been thinking about how you called me behaviour childish and I totally agree, I'm sorry for causing my followers to send a bunch of negative comments to you when all you were doing was trying to help. If you never told me about that user I wouldn't have ever found out and this was the first tme I've been in a situation like this so I overreacted and panicked.
So I'm really sorry I understand this is stressful for you too.
04.05.2019 20:04
LinkI'm not sure why you're even following me after all the hassle I've caused you but I'm sorry and I hope you see this apology ^^
04.05.2019 23:27
LinkAww thank you! I'm not mad anymore and everything is being resolved. Their account was closed and I recieved my stolen character back. All good! Because of all this, I discovered an amazing artist that I'll continue watching! You inspired me to try this site out. XD So we're all cool now and I look forward to all your animations in the future!
05.05.2019 10:05
LinkAww thank you <3
I'm happy everything got fixed ^^
Hey dude its okay! You had a reason to be a bit mad or scared, I mean I'm pretty sure any rational person would've been.
anyone would be frustrated and upset in that situation, art stealing is a big no >:( its really admirable that you were able to apologize in the end, thats what means the most. most of us are all still children so we have a lot of time to grow^^