27.09.2020 10:48
LinkOK GUYS yes i know i just finished a map but!
this time this isint just a map! its a pmv style map
up to 4 parts per person
follow the script
follow the timing i give u please
follow my designs
no lyrics
no lipsinc
no need to give me file unless u want^^
we need to see a wip withen a week
u will then have 1 week to complete
this is a 1 month map!
27.09.2020 10:49
LinkIntro: 18 seconds make it say Second Child PMV style M.A.P based on ravenpaws life Hosted by GalaxyKitry1 garduiando and voidanimations
2: See, I was born the second child 4 seconds ravenpaw seeing redtail getting killed by tigetclaw
3: With a spirit running wild, running free 10 seconds ravenpaw running to camp all apprentices look at him so does bluestar you can add some other cats if u want
4: And they saw trouble in my eyes 5 seconds ravenpaw catches the adder
5: They were quick to recognize the devil in me 7 seconds tigerclaw telling others ravenpaw is a traitor
6: intrumental 7 seconds ravenpaw graypaw and firepaw looking for the kits in camp
7: instumental 7 seconds firepaw and graypaw escorting ravenpaw our of camp
8: instrumental 7 seconds fireheart and graystripe staying at ravenpaws and barleys barn with windclan
27.09.2020 10:49
Link9: See, I was born a restless child 4 seconds fireheart and sandstorm and ravenpaw save cloudpaw from the twolegs * ravenpaw runs around the yard and onto a tree luring the dogs away from fire and sand*
10: And I could hear the world outside calling me 6 seconds ravenpaw and barley tell firestar about bloodclan
11: instrumental 5 seconds they fight as lionclan warrios
12: And heaven knows how hard I tried 4 seconds ravenpaw and barley at the barn hunting
13: But the devil whispered lies I believed 12 seconds ravenpaw and barley go to thundercan but dustpelt stops then but then leads them to firestar who is in camp
14: instrumental 7 seconds firestar and some thunderclan cats alone with ravenpaw and barley drive out the bloodclan cats from the barn
15: instrumental 6 seconds In his dreams, Bluestar offers to give Ravenpaw a warrior name, but he refuses.
16: Can you hear it hanging on the wind? 9 seconds flashback to redtails death zoom in on ravenpaws scared face
27.09.2020 10:49
Link17: Can you feel it underneath your skin? 6 seconds flashback to firepaw and graypaw leading him away from camp and to barleys barn
18: You've got to go on, further than you've ever gone 6 seconds flashcack to fireheart and graypaw and windclan zoom in on ravenpaws face happy
19: You've got to run far from all you've ever known 8 seconds flashback to when ravenpaw and barley fight against bloodclan during the bloodclan and lionclan fight
20: You've got to run far from all you've ever known You've got to run far from all you've ever known 15 seconds ravenpaw wakes up from his dream weakened from his illness barley looks worried
21: You've got to run far from all you've ever known You've got to run far from all you've ever known 16 seconds ravenpaw cuddles with barley barley starts to tear up
22 : instrumental 10 seconds ravenpaw's body goes limp barley drops down and stars crying over ravenpaws dead body
27.09.2020 10:50
Parts : 21 16 are mine
pls ask garudiando void or me for helP^^
27.09.2020 10:51
LinkRavenpaws design: HE HAS PURPLE EYES https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/b4/33/b3b433c12e937096b0c8be3a54771fd5.png
Barleys design: https://i.postimg.cc/WpWSVppS/barley.png
Graypaw/stripes design: https://i.redd.it/6b3m69o1jas41.png
dustpaw/pelt design: https://66.media.tumblr.com/9a342f2186ed74bb0e47a6a6b7c730d4/tumblr_pscmx0GvyM1wnlkdno1_r1_500.png
Bluestar design: https://66.media.tumblr.com/4ffdc38ad620f94be2c222ab5c91ab8b/tumblr_pliaxodeD61u7aqy6_540.png
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27.09.2020 11:00
Linkfor the ntro
i spelled it wrong it was accident!
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I have 2 questions, i wanna join but im gonna ask them first.
1. what is a pmv? i try to search up what it means but i get confused.
2. what is a "multihost" map? if its the same thing as a pmv then i am stoopid
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intro (1): void done
2: open
3: Garudaindo done
4: angel-piggy done
5: open
6: Open
7: nachelle done
8: Open
9: Galaxykitry1
10: open
11: Open
12: nachelle done
13: bluetheunbreon321OwO
14: Open
15: open
16: Galaxykitry1 done
17: -Russia- done
18: open
19: open
20: open
21: Galaxykitry1
22: Wolfox done
Comment removed
Comment removed
Comment removed
Comment removed
intro (1): void done
2: abcdceese done
3: Garudaindo done
4: angel-piggy done
5: open
6: WarriorsAnimation
7: nachelle done
8: Open
9: Galaxykitry1
10: Joniwudz
11: Open
12: nachelle done
13: bluetheunbreon321OwO
14: Open
15: sibelblum-art done
16: Galaxykitry1 done
17: -Russia- done
18: open
19: BlueTheUmbreon321OwO
20: Circles
21: Galaxykitry1
22: Wolfox done
intro (1): void done
2: abcdceese done
3: Garudaindo done
4: angel-piggy done
5: Bird-e
6: WarriorsAnimation
7: nachelle done
8: Amazingclloudy
9: Galaxykitry1
10: Joniwudz
12: nachelle done
13: bluetheunbreon321OwO done
15: sibelblum-art done
16: Galaxykitry1 done
17: -Russia- done
18: Amazingclloudy
19: BlueTheUmbreon321OwO
20: Circles
21: Galaxykitry1 Done
22: Wolfox done
Outro: Wip seen
intro (1): void done
2: abcdceese done
3: Garudaindo done
4: angel-piggy done
5: Bird-e wip seen
6: WarriorsAnimation done
7: nachelle done
8: Amazingclloudy
9: Galaxykitry1
10: Joniwudz
11: WarriorsAnimation wip seen
12: nachelle done
13: bluetheunbreon321OwO done
14: WarriorsAnimation
15: sibelblum-art done
16: Galaxykitry1 done
17: -Russia- done
18: Amazingclloudy done
19: BlueTheUmbreon321OwO
20: Circles done
21: Galaxykitry1 Done
22: Wolfox done
Outro: Wip seen
Comment removed
Comment removed
intro (1): void done
2: abcdceese done
3: Garudaindo done
4: angel-piggy done
5: Bird-e wip seen
6: WarriorsAnimation done
7: nachelle done
8: Amazingclloudy
9: Galaxykitry1
10: open
11: Sketchcandy
12: nachelle done
13: bluetheunbreon321OwO done
15: sibelblum-art done
16: Galaxykitry1 done
17: -Russia- done
18: Amazingclloudy done
19: BlueTheUmbreon321OwO
20: Circles done
21: Galaxykitry1 Done
22: Wolfox done
Outro: Wip seen
Comment removed