i cant find an art style


09.08.2018 19:16
Linkhow about neon madness or like idk

10.08.2018 22:24
Linkim using my lil sis account because my accounts password wont work

Ok how to develope an art style:It depends on what animal or type of human body your oc it...For this purpose lets say it's a cat.Find refrences from picture and use shapes to make a simple sketch.You do this because before you make your art style you need to know the real anatomy of a cat or what ever your drawing.After you have finished drawing around the shapes(Aka the sketch)and adding more curv to the body,keep practicing with diferent animals and difirent human sizes.Next transform all your anatomy into something a bit more simple for example making the eyes bigger or drawing things with different weight and size to them.And there you have it!Your very own art style!It will take some practice but you will get it eventually!