tween face motion?


shes beautiful

"To Boldly Go" Intro Part 1

d r a g o n q u e e n .

Boris Eating
Thanos wip + fact


02.06.2019 14:47
Linkskidadle skidoodle
you don't feel so goodle

02.06.2019 14:48

Thanos dies in Endgame. No duh. But in the comics, he doesn't die. Why? Because he is an immortal or whatever. He and Death(who is female in the comics) get into a relationship. Im assuming that is how Gamora and Nebula were born. Because death is immortal, Death herself was an immortal. Somehow she gave Thanos the ability of an immortal. When he snaps his fingers with the gauntlet after he has all the stones, Hulk doesn't die. Why? Because he was an immortal. What was supposed to happen was Thanos and Hulk get into this epic fight. Now, as we all know, the more enraged Hulk is, the stronger he is. Since in the comics, Thanos is beating his ass in the battle, Hulk is about to collapse. But in the finale moment, he gets this surge of extreme rage and hate, and returns the favor on Thanos. Neither of them die, but Hulk is supposed to take the gauntlet, and "snap" Thanos away.
Does that happen?
Instead, Mr.Stark dies saving every.
Which is exceedingly depressing.
But, the flawed in that part.