Out of the forth wall

~A Moment of Grandeur~

The spookiest shapeshifter


Monster on the Staircase pt.2

smoker man

AnimatoroftheDay is a THEIF


08.10.2017 01:50
Linkno. dude. Anni is a red stick figure. not a oc stealer

08.10.2017 01:52
LinkShe is both

08.10.2017 01:52
LinkOr he

09.10.2017 00:16
LinkEXCUSE ME but animator of the day did nothing wrong you're the one who is causing trouble you should really get a life because it would do much better than to just accuse this person of OC theft. for one they made their channel much before yours was even a thought, second you are probably just jealous that they are a better animater than you, and lastly SHUT UP GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER AND JUST DROP THIS FRICKEN ARGUMENT!!!

It's really ironic and kinda funny, because did you realize that your oc is more of a copy to Meedea then anyone else on this site? Like it's literally her but colors are reversed