omg maxwell
20.05.2022 12:02
Linkbro dude
yeah so im in robotics rn and lee is sick so imma be alone and mason has to retake--- deadass thought he was ignoring me cuz he didnt answer me until we had to leave and he sat beside me for like a whole ass minute :") uh yeah so anyways he still hasnt given me a response regarding the bet lmfao I think its like hella awkward uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
but like dfngjsfeuojg im hungry and Im bored and youre prolly still asleep
20.05.2022 13:05
Linkomfg my chromebook charger broke bc of Liam right and now im using someone elses and once my chromebook dies its done for till monday since im not gonna have a charger.
its a long story- just kinda spent all on 2nd arguing with my group bc they deadass traded me to be a slave for a fake alegator and didnt take any blame for anything they said
to be fair I threatned to take his kids and brainwash them but they sold me to make me a slave and then the whole class didnt want me- like literally no one.
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