designing be like


24.01.2021 08:26
Linkwhen it comes to like, designing characters that go together I like to draw a first concept with general vibe, draw closer to what i want in individuals, then show how their relationship works and how they go together with little doodles. i was like "MINT AND RASPBERRIES" and there we go

24.01.2021 08:29
Linkbut like, yeah. green is more of the rough and tumble type of character, but also quite refreshing to be around since his way of thinking is the most wacc shit, and then magenta is more of that character that is sweet but doesn't really act like it most of the time and he overworks himself and green is just such a mind clear for him, but green needs magenta as well because magenta grounds him and keeps him level headed and stuff so like, they benefit from being around each other and stuff :)

24.01.2021 08:31
Linktheyre the "be gay do crime" duo. people probably look at them and believe that their relationship is very sexual because they're both s m e x y and they both seem like they would just like, be into that stuff but their relationship is actually very affectionate and great and yeah they do that stuff every once in a while but that's not like, important to them

24.01.2021 08:33
Linkthis is just like the first rundown of their designs, btw. when it comes to this type of stuff with like characters I really wanna use a lot and have them do things and draw them, I go into much more depth on designs and stuff