Rainbow Griefer's Balloon
Yoonbum Fanart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡
Ren vs Lego Brick
Shademint(for contest)
27.03.2019 02:12
LinkShademint was a kit when her mother died from greenchough in the nursery. Right then and there, she decided that she would cure the cats she loved. Although Tintkit and Lightkit would be training as warriors, she never felt farther away from them than ever. Eagleheart challenged her and Shademint became a medicine cat in less than five moons. Soon, she discovers that she was more attached to StarClan than any other ThunderClan cat. She could call on any ancestor and get advice. Later, she told Shinningstar that she had a weird dream about a lake. She and Lightwing went to find it. Shademint went to the hunting grounds of StarClan as a visitor but Lightwing couldn't follow her. The StarClan cats told her that she had a destiny, and she couldn't just stick to ThunderClan. She settled near the Moonpool and she never died as long as medince cats lived.