what do I think about braces?


22.10.2019 18:20
Linkplease let me type

22.10.2019 18:28
LinkLet me make a list about braces- pros and cons,
let's start with the pros!
1. Sometimes, you look cute in them!
2. You get beautiful straight teeth!
3. You can get rid of over-bites!
4. If you have trouble eating the braces will help you eat properly- ( I think- )
Now, for the Cons! ( noooo!! )
1. It kinda hurts getting/wearing them.
2. You can't eat certain foods.
3. It takes longer to brush.
4. Brushing is harder
5. can't really eat properly when you first get them on.
6. You have to get them tightened, which I Heard hurts-
7. It feels weird and uncomfortable when you get them on.

26.10.2019 19:37
Linkand you in school be like
i Want bRaCeS

27.10.2019 05:29
Linklmao xd