Underanim flowey

when i die young



PS, PI, ZAD: Gambit Schema!

wygull - contest entry

Twinsane 3
A little nervous ,,


03.03.2025 19:17
LinkGod, what if my Ex is REALLY here. The thought of them alone scares me. We were "dating" for a while, but that was me being under the influence that we were.I always thought we were friends and I— Cannot handle the thought of them being around.

03.03.2025 19:18
LinkI'm shaking so bad.I. I have a gun. I canprotect myself. If you're here I will not hesitate to killy ou

I would never lie to you,,,
*his voice was soft, trying to sound comforting, he stayed where he was, figuring approaching him directly wasnt the best idea. He’d let the man do that on his own, if he really wanted.*
Can you put the flintlock down for me? I promise you, that you won’t need it.. pinkie promise!
*he barely lifted his hand up, making sure to make his movements slow, not extending his arm out, he did extend his pinkie though, to show he was serious about this pinkie promise.*

[ His breathing slowed, eyeing Elliot as he began to move towards him... His grip on his flintlock faltering, clattering onto the floor beneath them. ]
...I believe you.
[ Holding his pinkie out, interlocking with Elliot's. ]
I'm uh.. Sorry. About that.. Just freaked out, y'know? I just get reminded of... Him. And I can't really handle it all that well.

*elliots face immediately looked relieved as chance approached him, smiling gently as their pinkies interlocked. His smile faltered for only a minute as he saw the blood on chances hand((from the other post,, with the broken mirror,,,)). He gulped nervously, moving his eyes back up.*
You- you’re fine, chance; we all have some rough days.. I’m just- glad I could help,, I’d hate to know that you were panicking all alone- um.. what do you say we go and get your hand bandaged up, hm? I’d rather it not get infected..

I'll do that later, but I insist!! Let me pay you!!!
[ Digging in the back of his pocket, pulling out his wallet, trying his best to write Elliot a check. His fist hurt like a mother****er but he'd push through, dribbles of blood smearing onto the check as he wrote onto it with a pen he also pulled out. ]

….. oh!
*elliots face grew a bright red, he usually wouldn’t have been this flustered.. but with how he said it so.. calmly, nonchalant if you will.. it caught Elliot off guard. He stammered a bit, nervously chuckling.*
Aha.. well… um,, ahm.. y- yeah. Yeah! Of course, duh.

🎰 // Big fan of Paycheck. he's not gay hes Normal... (Lie
The way you're stuttering is telling me otherwise... And ya got the hots, too.
[ A little teasing... Smirking!!! The guy was really just doing this to mess with him. ]
Don't worry, we'll be doing stuff like chest compressions. Then maybe, if you're ready, mouth to mouth can be attempted...?

((Rips open myshirt to reveal another shirt that says "I heart paycheck".... HES AS STRAIGHT AS A CIRCLE FYMMM !?@,+?$<×*%[
*he rolled his eyes, waving a hand at him dismissively while leaning back a bit.*
You just caught me off guard is all.. saying what you did so- smoothly how could I not.. yknow..
*he cleared his throat, glancing away. Cheeks still rather pink as he chuckled a little, he brushed some of his hair out of his own face while he looked back to chance. giving him a soft smile.*
Yeah, sure.. that sounds like a plan that I'm fine with..

🎰 // CIRCLES ARE ROUND. And wyouw anan knowmelse is round....Chances cheeks. Caek.SOSRRUYsorry. I lik e to think he's either bi/pan (Projection) BUTTT if u want we can do paycheck. idk..... Shrug...
Did what? I'd love to hear you say it.
[ Intentionally acting dumb. He knew what Elliot meant, they just really wanted to hear him say it. Stupid smirk still plastered on his face, leaning closer. Eyebrows raised. ]

((Heh that's what the C in chance stands for... caked.... cause hes caked up... ok I'm sorryHWJFKSFH. elliot is pansexual himself,, yuhh,, (totally not projection at all),, do paycheck? Heh,, but of course!! I heart being a multishipper cause then I can like paycheck, pizza debt, pizzatime, and pizza burger. trust
*he began to trip over his words, the closeness making him a lot more flustered than he was previously.*
Oh my gosh... um.. cmon you know what- you know what you said..
*he huffed just a little, giving the other man a playful glare. He swallowed hard before hesitantly speaking.*
Yknow- it kinda just sounds like you wanna kiss me. That's a little silly, dont you think?
*he only stuttered a few times within his sentence, but otherwise sounded confident, maybe a little teasing..*

*The fact that chance wasnt afraid to admit a thing made elliot pause for a moment. He didnt know how to reply.. damn this man for being charming.*
Ah... well uh.. um......
*he mumbled, looking down and using his little visor hat thing to cover his eyes*

🎰 // KAY FINE you'll get to live.. I guess... I need ym dose of paycheck orelse I;'ll die..... I also got an art idea. Thank u for the amazing caked up joke. (Which will include Chance ass((Trying out new slacks)
Well..? C'mon, say it!
[ It's almost as if his smirk would never falter, only getting more bold in every waking moment. Eventually standing next to Elliot once again, looking down at him. Was he always this tall? ]

((The world should tbank me cause now there will be caked up chance on flipanim dot com 🙏🙏🙏 I choose you!! Onemillion paycheck!
*he shrinked just a little, if his face weren’t red before, it was sure blossoming with roses now. He rubbed the back of his neck, gaze at the ground. His voice gradually grew more quieter as he spoke*
Well.. uhm… I mean I wouldn’t be complaining- if.. if uh… y..yknow……

((PAYCHECK CANON YEAAHAHSJ LETSGOOOO IVE been getting fed so much ship content today it’s quite delightful.
*Elliot merely blinked in response, his hands finding themselves on the other hands shoulders. His eyes softened as he slowly nodded. Finding himself leaning into chance. The gentle hold on his chin, although such a small thing, so very small, barely a touch,, it definitely got to him. Unfortunately he was so soft for physical touch, some would call it his love language, really.*

🎰 // I need to consume more shipcontent tbh BUT I ALSO NEED MORE LORE TO FEAST ON OH MY GOD.
[ He'd finally, press his lips against the other, his hands coming down to wrap around Elliot's waist, pulling him closer to their own. Eyes shutting as his did so, alight hum emitting from Chance ut of delight. Taste like pizza sauce. ]
🎰 // I hate these two. i hate them theyregay i ahte them

((ITS JUST . BEING FED TO ME I went on twitter this morning and BOOM EXPLOSION FLASHBANGED WITH TEN MILLION ELLIOT SHIPS but also real.. I heart lore,,
*his eyes fluttered shut as he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around chances neck. Using one hand to play with the other man’s hair, twirling it in his fingers gently. Elliot attempted to put himself as close as possible to chance.*
((They make me VIOLENTLY homophobic

🎰 // You shoudl give me your timeline.I NEEDTO SEE MORE ELLIOT SHIPS I see lots of ships with me... ((Chance)) Being a multishipper is awesome cause I can ship whatever I want.As long as it's not problematic or proship then I will consume it.
[ The kiss lasted a long while, before he pulled away slowly, eyes opening when he did. Grinning. ]
So... How was that? Enjoyable?
🎰 // Tongue was included btw. LMFAOO

((I sooo should I’m so angry that it’s just on my private account like BE ON MY MAINNN I NEED TO SHOW THE WORLD MY ELLIOT PROPAGANDA
*his lips contorted into a frown for a moment, a little saddened that the kiss had ended so soon.. kiss.. a kiss- oh. Oh gosh. He just.. kissed.. he seemed.. stunned. Staring with a flustered look in his eyes, that was only interrupted by a few blinks, and then elliot burying his face into chances chest; hiding himself out of embarrassment.*
Comment removed

🎰 // I'm a little embarrassed that I sent that on the wrong account but whatever I'll just rewrite what I had written..........Elliot w/ a face full of. Moobs?? Boobs?whatever works... I DON'T KNOWW
[ Chance gasped as Elliot faceplanted into his chest, really caught offguard by the sudden gesture. His face lightly feeling hot, chuckling a bit. ]
Ahaha... Cute.. You're cute. I think I could get used to this... Just maybe.
[ Hands entangling in his hair,, pulling him closer. ]

((“Professional kisser” so he’s a whore/j Elliot’s living the dream tbh.
*he kept his face hidden within the safety and,, comfort- yeah, comfort of the man’s moobs. Even though his beet red face was hidden, His ears gave away his flusteredness, almost just as red as the rest of his face. He quite enjoyed the closeness, and the hands in his hair,, he was so relaxed, so comfortable..*
Hm,, maybe you could.. but I definitely can,,

🎰 // IT'S OKAY takeall the time you need. ^.^
[ Chance hummed quietly, resting his head ontop of the others. Hands still fiddling with his hair, gently running his hands through his hair. It was quite soothing.. Relaxing. Chance enjoyed what they had going on in this very moment. And he was very content with that. ]
// I'm like. Distracted as well Lol..

((Distracted together but yaoi remains strong 🙏
*elliot listened to the humming, closing his eyes.. being honest:; he definitely dozed off a few times, well… more than a few. How could he not though? He felt so safe, warm, etc etc.. he shifted his head just a little so his ear was pressed up against chances chest, so he could listen to his heartbeat better. Granted, the man’s humming was wonderful as it was but.. heartbeats had always sounded so much better to Elliot.*

🎰 // STOP I JUST NOTICED THE COMMENT ABOUT YOU CALLING HIMA WHORE he learned from his ex Ok.That being iTrapped..... They're exs in my eyes. BUT UR SO RIGHT ABOUT THAT. Us paycheck yaoi lovers stick together... Even if we are busy.
You seem to be enjoying yourself there, hm...?
[ A genuine question, they were painfully curious about.. Every answer he'd want to receive from Elliot. Though, he was curious in general.. ]

((ITRAPPED…. honestly them being ex’s is so valid and real I agree. Still slutshaming him tho /j PAYCHECK YAOI LOVERSSS 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Mmm,, mhm!
*he hummed with a nod, smiling softly to himself*
Though,, as much as I enjoy hearing your voice.. I can’t hear your heartbeat very well when you talk…
*he knew what he said could come off as weird, but he honestly didn’t care. He meant what he said.*

🎰 // BE NIIICE BE NICE TO HIMMM... He's been through a lot leave him be....
Ah..? I can stop speaking if you'd like.
[ And that is exactly what he did. He steadied his breathing, a peep not even coming out of him from this point. His heartbeat was a steady rhythm— A stark contrast to the moment they shared earlier. Smiling down at the other, though, his eyes being covered, it was clear that his eyes were full of love. ]

((HES TRAUMATIZED AND A WHOREEE LET ME BULLY HIM!!!! /j I thought of smth rlly funny I could do but I don’t know how to word it gelp.
Thank youuu
*he chuckled, leaning up to plant a small, quick kiss on the corner of the others lips to show gratitude. then setting his head back down in its original spot, he looked content and happy, Seemingly unaware of the loving stares he was being given. He would’ve definitely planted more kisses on chances face, but a part of him felt like it was too much. Then again though… it was chance. So dare I say……. There’s a chance… it wouldn’t be too much.*

((I love making chance puns it’s a problem . AUGH I GYUAT THISSSSSSS DWWWW FUNNY JOKE INBOUND
*elliot thought for a moment, grinning smugly before looking up at chance..*
So…. You said you were gonna “pay” me earlier for helping you right?
*he hummed while saying the reminder, cocking his head to the side. Smug grin never leaving his face.*
Was that kiss.. your way of paying? Hm?

// I'M REALLY TIRIIRED I'll try my best to respind a couple of more times then prolly pass out
Hehe, okay, I lied. That is part of the reason. I DID give ya a real paycheck though...
[ He'd stare back at Elliot, his eyes darting all over his face, taking in every little detail. It was so.. Enticing, it really made him wanna kiss him ALL over his face. Wherever he could, actually. Leaning in once again, about to commit to his desire....... ]
If you don't mind, am I allowed to kiss you wherever I please..? I'd like to have your permission.

((HONESTLY YEAH ME TOO,, only thing that’s keeping me awake is. The fact that I’m actively eating I’m gonna pass out so hard inna bit
Mhm,, well, for future reference, I’d much rather prefer this over a “real” paycheck. Much more rewarding..
*he hummed, his smile growing wider as he noticed chance leaning in closer, he was already quite giddy over the previous kiss. He gave chance a small nod*
Of course! Wherever you please as long as I get to do the same,,

((Offers u a bite of chicken and or mash potato
*that damned “darling”.. usually, he didn’t care for names like that, but the way chance said it, it made his heart skip beats. He smiled, awaiting for the kisses he would receive. Once he did receive them, he was filled with such joy, he genuinely could not be happier. Elliot would even gently hold the man’s face and direct him to places where he wanted a kiss.*

// I'm suddenly like that one shedletsky chicken gif I hope u knwo what im talking about LMFAOO
[ Chance was taking mental notes of these specific places, being sure to keep in mind where Elliot liked kisses planted. They were going to be sure he'd give those places extra love to make him feel extra special. This is all he wanted right now, affection. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy, and he quite enjoyed being in Elliot's hold... ]

*elliot basked in the attention he was receiving for a bit. He enjoyed it, and it was clear that he did. His thumb gently caressed chances cheek, and stopped him from giving anymore kisses. He shifted a bit, looking directly at him with such soft eyes, giving the sweetest look. He could stare at the other forever, however, that’s not what he wanted to do at the moment, he could admire this handsome man at any time, instead, he lightly pressed their lips together, softly kissing him while his thumb continued to caress their cheek.*

*he parted the kiss after a few moments, it was just a simple, affectionate little kiss. Elliot then gave him one small kiss on the nose before settling back down to where he was before. He wanted to say something, but decided against it, instead, yawning and rubbing his eyes.*
Hm,, I think.. it’s time to go to sleep, thoughts?

Hmm.. I thinkkkk..
*he stood up, stretching before picking up chance’s glasses and putting them safely in his pocket, then picking up chance himself with a grunt. Bridal style of course.*
We’ll go someplace more cozy. As much as I’d be content with anywhere personally…. I’d rather you also be comfortable.
*he hummed a tune while wandering to a bedroom, carefully putting chance down; he hadn’t seemed to be struggling, he used to have to carry things heavier! For longer distances!! Though.. he hadn’t done that in awhile… whatever, that didn’t matter at the moment, he climbed onto the bed himself and undid w gee buttons on his shirt to loosen it before laying down and wrapping his arms around chance with a content smile.*
((Daily reminder that Elliot is stronger than he looks trust (he still struggled but had 2 be nonchalant ab it

*he giggled, snuggling into them and getting comfortable. Doing all this before giving a small yawn and closing his eyes. Not falling asleep just yet.. but so very close to.. he was shocked he wasn’t able to stay awake before, he has felt so comfortable.. safe and warm that he dozed off well one too many times already and this time it would be no different. Tiredly, quietly even, Elliot mumbled*
Goodnight, chance.. sweet dreams…..
*he barely spoke above a murmur, so tired that words were hard to form even.. and that’s when he knocked out, chest slowly rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern, very quiet snores left him.*
((I actuallt was gonna say something else here but I completely forgot anyways heh you are welcome Elliot funfact of the day