info abt my ocs so i remember


05.04.2023 19:17
LinkBlister (Female, 19)
Lesbian, She/her
Half dragon, half rabbit
Fun facts:
she was put up for adoption immediately when she was born because around the time there was a war going on
Her family is a pack of wolves
Theyre names are unknown until i decide what theyre like xp
Blister is dating tiki, the only one who she is friendly to bc everyone hates her
Speaking of which... Ppl hate her after she got bit by dragy

05.04.2023 19:20
LinkRaju/Clifford/Skunky (Male, 14)
Bisexual, He/him/they/them
Half skunk, half cat
Fun facts:
Before traumatized, raju lived in a cabin with his big sister and his little brother, his parents are dead but he never knew
His kidnapper was identified but im thinking abt who it is rn xp
Raju now lives in a cave, his guardians are a grizzly bear that he tamed and 3 crow pets
Raju is allergic to yeast

05.04.2023 19:22
LinkRian (Male, 16)
Heterosexual, He/him
Cat, unknown species
Fun facts:
Rian was born an experiment, he has no parents.. at all.
He is NOT a robot, nor AI. All his childhood friends were though....
Rian has a crush on brune, raju is jealous of him though
Rian's occupation is to become a biologist

05.04.2023 19:24
LinkBrune (Female, 15)
Heterosexual, She/Her
Fun facts:
Brune is not indian, she is british. She just moved to india because of the government
Brune once thought she was bi, she is heterosexual now but she supports lgbtq!!!
Brune can speak hindi, not all of it
Brune has never been traumatized

05.04.2023 19:27
LinkCoconut (Female, 14)
Bisexual, She/Her/Meow
Cat, Siamese species
Fun facts:
Coconut's favourite food is indeed coconuts
Coconut has a crush on marmalade, she isnt sure if he feels the same way because she predicts hes aroace
She is aware of rajus trauma and was the one who called the police at one of his acts
Coconut wants to be a footballer but 3 people shame her for it, her friends bully them however

05.04.2023 19:29
LinkMarmalade (Male, 14)
Heterosexual, asexual, He/Him
House Mouse
Fun facts:
Marmalade likes Coconut back, hes too nervous to tell her sadly
He is introverted, he can talk but prefers not to
He is basically omori but doesnt kill + emotionless
He is emotionless because of the abuse from his aunt, she is in jail dw

05.04.2023 19:30
LinkMushy (Male)
Heterosexual, He/Him
Fun facts:
Mushy is a christian yet he is purely evil
Mushy went ferally evil because his girlfriend broke up with him
Mushy used to date Raju before he died, he cheated on Raju afterwards
Mushy is homophobic/srs

05.04.2023 19:33
LinkRed/Rbg (Female, 20)
Heterosexual, She/Her
A princess, angel
Fun facts:
Red and Raju are friends after she broke up with Mushy
Her boyfriend is Harry
Her villiage hated her and her family so much the kingdom went into war with them and the villiage won by burning the villiage down
Red's body was found in a forest by a group of teenagers, its unknown what killed her

05.04.2023 19:35
LinkHarry (Male, 19)
Bisexual, He/Him/Bark
Half wolf, half cat
Fun facts:
Harry wasnt always all 'furry', he was a normal humanoid wolf-cat before he died
Harry's parents are unknown, his life was a simulation
Harry has social anxiety, autism and ADHD
Harry loves sanrio for some reason

05.04.2023 19:38
LinkTiki (Female, 18)
Bisexual, She/Her
Half human, half fox
Fun facts:
She has a nameless sister, it is mainly because her mother died before she could name her
Tiki lives with blister and takes care of her sister as if she is her child
Speaking of which.... Tiki is currently pregnant!!!!
Tiki's middle name is rose. Thats mine too!!

05.04.2023 19:42
LinkPinky (Demigirl, 13)
Heterosexual, aroace, She/They
A teddy bear
Fun facts:
Pinky was one of the main 3 to shame coconut for wanting to be a footballer
Her favourite food is sushi
She is actually partionally japanese because of her grandparents (on mom's side)
Pinky cant speak japanese or hindi, strangely she speaks russian and arabic
Pinky's aunt, uncle and cousins (on dad's side) are muslims

05.04.2023 19:45
LinkOpal (Female, 17)
Omnisexual, She/Her
Pony girl 😘
Fun facts:
Opal secretly has a crush on Rasper (whom i'll explain later) but she claims she likes someone else
Opal came from another universe but she was sent to MY world for a mission but never came back
Opal has impulse issues
Opal's favourite movie is princess and the frog

05.04.2023 19:49
LinkRasper (Female, 17)
Lesbian, She/Her
Cow or bull idk 🤷♀️
Fun facts:
Rasper doesnt know if she was born a bull or cow but assumes shes a bull
Rasper's parents are homophobic except for her little sister, her little sister thinks that lesbians are as good as her favourite disney princess because her friend said so
Rasper loves knitting scarves for her friends
Rasper is autistic

05.04.2023 19:52
LinkCara (Female, 16)
Pansexual, She/Her/Pup/Pupself
Fennec fox
Fun facts:
Cara is adopted, her step-brother is in fact marmalade
Cara is optimistic of almost everything
She is scared to come out to her family because she has mommy and daddy issues, the only member she has came out to is her step-brother
Speaking of which her mother knows that she is pansexual and she is happy for her (her mom is bi)

05.04.2023 19:55
LinkPheonix (Non-Binary, 15)
Bisexual, She/Her
Fun facts:
Pheonix is NOT an emo, she is goth
Her favourite tv show is for some strange reason 'n@k3d attraction' (search it up, its actually real... 💔) and her parents dont give a shit about what she watches
When Cara pampers her, she actually purrs.. shes cute ngl xp
Pheonix loves Cara, she wishes to marry her someday...