LMT (Let me type pls)


08.03.2021 18:19
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FA is beggining to be a bit....i don't know- it's just i get harrassed, people wanting me to DIE- I proabably will stay but....I just hate- I just hate having to do this, but I might have to. I know I've said I'd leave before, but this site is addicting for me. I think- I don't know, just if you don't hear from me for a few years or something, just- don't expect me to come back soon or at alll. I think it would be good for me if I did....I would pay more attention in school, and school work. I just don't know- please tell me your opinion. Also for jerks out there: "I hate how you harrass me and others. You know it makes people hate you. The reason why I hate people is because they're jerks!" I'm sorry, I just needed to get that out, but I can't swear, it would make me guity. Just- Jerks I never want to see you again. I'm just sorry I'- i just need to relax and stuff. I'm going crazy with online school- we used to get to do a yell thing where we could all yell the sound of our school mascot, but without that
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I need to go. I mean like- cow-milk- THAT'S RIGHT YOU- are turning on me bit by bit. So people just- I don't know if I'm gonna need some 'help' if you know what I mean by that, but I accually want to go to a theripist, and alot of my friends on flipanim that I don't know in real life are either good, or horrible and mean. I just....don't judge me because i think I might be going a little crazy with COVID- if you say one thing, I might snap. cow-milk, you've made me snap. The line has been breaking ever since you got that 'tude, and no offense but now your....mean. I always think about the other perosn when I speak something that might have a impact. I've finally snapped. It feels good to just....SNAP. I think 'cos I say 'Snap" so often i think i might snap again and leave FA forever. YEAGH! I just....just guys, people leave me alone until I say I' m ready. Some of you are being a little harsh on me, it makes me snap- BECAUSE OF YOU.
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