asriel battle in 5 secods



Drawing Dragons

waving mcfly


biggest fear(s)?


29.03.2020 08:00
Linki, personally, am afraid of failure, immense physical pain, and loneliness

i vomit whenever i get shots or just anything with needles smh
i also will N o t go near a spider
If I'm higher than about 5 feet off the ground i w i l l have an anxiety attack. This has happened several times. In public too smfh

Man I feel you 😔👊 when I visited my cousins in Pakistan I had to use this shower that was just a clay outhouse with a tap. The walls had tons of tiny holes in them and once while I was taking a bath, this long-ass red centipede lookin mf crawled out of one hole and into another. I was lucky we were leaving the next day 🤡

Okay so as some of you know, I'm adopted and live with my half sister. Before the adoption was finalized, I still had 2-week visitation (I'd go every other week). Well, one day, my little sister (I think she was 6 at the time, maybe 5) told him what school we went to. I stuttered and accidentally confirmed that that was our school. Then I went into the room that led to the bathrooms and had a panic attack. The workers had to call my half-sister to come pick me up. That was probably the scariest thing ever.