Demonboi fan-fic


29.05.2021 20:20
Linkuh what do we doooooo.......

29.05.2021 20:20

29.05.2021 20:20
LinkDo you want me to set up a discord or somethingg

29.05.2021 20:21

script btw: after defeating the G.O.R.S.D Demonboi felt off He felt like he would fall down and barf out his own body. He felt like he would become a ghost. So Demonboi went near the pond to try some of the water. A siren grabbed Demonboi and he fell into the pond! Demonboi couldn't breathe under the water and he couldn't say a single word. He saw little shells on the ground, The siren said " RISE MY MINIONS" and the shells busted open as Demonboi dropped his sword into the sea. The shells released little playful ghosts who went up to Demonboi. Demonboi couldn't ask the ghosts to move due the water. Demonboi slowly passed out as the ghost swam around him and was dropped into the sea. After 15 hours he woke up and got out of the sea. He felt ok but weird he looked at him self and noticed something. Demonboi was halfway a ghost and he noticed it just now. His ghost self looked blue like the water! Soon Demonboi saw the Siren, the fight would begin.