code red


18.06.2018 20:03
Linkdood stop avertising
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18.06.2018 20:26
Linkits a meme im telling ppl about it

18.06.2018 20:56
Linkthey can advertise their meme if they want they invented it!

18.06.2018 20:56
Linkand one day its gonna catch on and your gonna be like wow thats a great meme! i wonder how it got popular

Dood just to be clear this is the art of a 9 year old girl who is just learning how to do this and is inspired by other artists. Let's try not to assume this is in anyway a form of advertising. I work for an ad agency, I'm very familiar. -Mom.
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I know, you wanna be popular but a lot of people have been annoyed by the "advertising", but like me you can try to improve your work! Also to be honest, i agree with N1ghtmar3sky but i'm just "saying" this in a trying not to hurt your feeling way. You'll soon be popular one day. It's gonna be long but you'll be popular one day.