

12.03.2025 06:56
Link..Can’t sleep.

12.03.2025 07:04
Link> chance might have troubles with sleep BUT I DONT this bed is so comfortable im hhhehrhhehhuh

Oh, I should definitely have some!
* He scrounged through a cupboard, finding a bag that he pulled about half a loaf of bread out, setting it on the counter beside the stove.
..Are you making enough for two?
* He looked over Mafioso’s shoulder to see the pan, resting his chin against it as he watched the eggs simmer.

* He smiled warmly, giving him a quick pat on the head before grabbing utensils and napkins to set the dining table, organizing their placements neatly.
* He took a moment to look at his arrangement, before grabbing two glasses and a jug of orange juice from the fridge, pouring drinks for both of them.
..Appreciate ya, a lot.

I’ll keep that in mind, considering you always seem to be nearby anyway!.. I can take care of the dishes.
* He scooped up his empty plate and Mafioso’s, taking them to the sink and running water over them.
…Feels like I can actually get some rest now.
* He idly spoke as he scrubbed the plates down with soap.

ooc // I AM DONT WORRY... i severely multitask bc my brain needs heaps of stimulation like im an ipad kid...
// He responded with a hum, leaning his head up to look at Chance, one hand placed on his fedora to keep it from falling off of his head, speaking with a soft, reassuring tone.
You know I almost always try to visit your dreams, sweetheart.
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