YOU WHAT?! Lip Sync Test
And that's called jazz
Pinetree... (billdip)
you know, running
homophobes hate on lgtb+ becau
10.03.2021 16:05
Linkbecause unlike them, these people are willing to put a flag on their back
10.03.2021 16:07
Linkdamn theyre brave enough to march and fight for their fights and shit when your probably sitting in ya beanbag having nothing better to do than hate people for being happy for who they are
and is it hurting you by them being on the rainbow? no.
10.03.2021 16:08
Linkalways be happy of who you are
it doesnt matter if your gay, lesbian, trans, genderfluid, bi, demigirl/demiboy, enby, xenogender and that jazz
you deserve to be happy
10.03.2021 16:13
Linkoh yeah theres ****ers who believe being intersex is cursed even though you were born like that 😍
* Christians saying jeues doesn’t like the gays*
Jesus: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.
Also Jesus: love your enemies 😍