strangecat drinking ?epsi

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????? ??

║▌║ ᴢᴀᴄᴋ ║▌


Don’t Stop! uwu
Trump x Biden (chapter one)


24.08.2021 16:52
LinkChapter one :
(Imma change the title cause this is now enemies to lovers theme. So it will now be called “we all have secrets”))

24.08.2021 16:52
LinkDonald was walking into school, Monday morning to be exact. His shoes clicked on the cold floor as he held his notebooks on the side of his body. He was one of the strongest people in his school so people were usually scared of him. He had good looks tho. His medium length hair that was a godly blond. His gray blue eyes that made you feel like you were in the rain dancing to “sweater weather” by the neighborhood. His smile,though it was rare to see it, was gracious. Could make u trust him in a second even if u had doubts. He arrived at his locked and twisted the lock to his number combination. The locked door swung open and he put his books in his locker.

24.08.2021 16:53
LinkFoot steps began from behind him and he turned to see his enemy joe. Joe Biden class president, Donald wanted to be president, that was one reason he hated joe. The other reason is because of there fathers. Both of their fathers who th hated each other and didn’t want the kids to be friends. Joe, like always, walked in his confident pose fixing his tie that rested on his chest with the rest of his suit. He was also a good looking fellow. The man had messy brown hair but wore it as good as Harry Potter. His smile was more charming and when he did smile u could feel urself sink into him. His gorgeous blue eyes made u feel like u wore in paradise. And who could blame you? When he talked to you he treated you like the royal ruler you were. Joe approached Donald with his usual cheeky smile. Donald tried ignoring him but it was hard to when he was coughing.

24.08.2021 16:55
“What?” He said in an annoyed tone as he slammed his blue locker door shut. Making the floor move and his blonde hair jump. When he was angry he got aggressive. With pretty much everything in his way. Joe rolled his eyes and pushed him against the locker. “I don’t like your fking tone.” He said as he put his arm above his head slightly. Donald was a bit flustered but coughed it away. “You just came over here to annoy the fk outta me.” He added as he gave him a glare and looked at each other in the eye. He wasn’t wrong, it was an educated guess cause they would love to annoy each other. Joe smirked and walked off sticking up his middle finger, while his other hand was in his pocket. “I guess I was right.” He added as the bell rang for the first period. He began to walk to class but from the corner of his eye he saw joe going the opposite way, and if they didn’t have the same first period together he would’ve thought nothing of it. Since they did, he got curious and walked behind him.

24.08.2021 16:55
LinkFollowing where ever he was going,,,
~ lol hoped u enjoyed this trump x Biden chapter one dears <33 I’ll make more in an hour or to, sorry not sorry for the hangcliffer

24.08.2021 16:58
LinkI screamed when I made him push him against a locker 😭🤟

24.08.2021 17:02
LinkOH if I accidentally called Donald John, I was originally going to use John but was like (I don’t want everyone to get confused)

24.08.2021 17:06

This is just ****ing unacceptable. You idiots make everything gay and think its funny. Trump is a man of truth and Biden is a retarded old man. 🙄 Bunch of sissys.