Let me type please


05.03.2018 09:15

05.03.2018 09:16
Linkmy head hurts

05.03.2018 09:24
LinkI knew someone would type.. but mine dose too

So I had this dream where I was in a shooter game. It was also like a zombie apacaliyps survival dream. So I had 4 other people joining me to complete some sort of mission. I remember that one of the parts was where one of the guys I was with (which was the best guy in the dream because she was smart and knew what he was doing) got bitten by a zombie and the zombie that bit him was standing by the doorway. My other 3 people were standing in the room blocked by the zombie. So I had to leave them but for some reason they said it was chill. I had no gun so I couldn't kill the zombie by the door. I knew that 1 guy would come out of the room alive. Later in the dream I made it out of the building and out of nowhere all three of my companions came rushing to me from different angles. I was surprised to see all of them alive because one of them was being attacked by a zombie while he was trapped in the room. But sadly the other dude that was bit died. So when we where all outside we had to kill zombies then end