strangecat drinking ?epsi



Feanorians pt 1

Request from FallenIcarus13

Shadow is illiterate

Thank you all so much!!


28.11.2020 05:27
LinkHey you guys thank you so much for 400 followers!!
I got to be honest I did not think I would get this far in my FA account especially with the people on here some of them can be jerks but you guys are very special to me every time I get a new follower I feel like I got a new friend and I want to thank all the people who encouraged me to do this and I'm going to put a list of them after this just know even though your name is not going to be on the list you're still my friend and I do not think that you guys would actually like my art and my characters

28.11.2020 05:30
LinkBut you all encouraged me to do everything in my power to make my characters,my stories everything on here you're all like family to me and I cannot be more happier then to be on FA an art community that is the best in the world a place where everyone can enjoy make friends and show off their talent

28.11.2020 05:30
LinkAnd now for the people who are very close friends of mine and I care about a lot and they also encouraged me to keep going

28.11.2020 05:45
LinkThank you so much too:Thedrawingspider,Cottoncandykitty,Arcadia,LavenderHoneyPot,DeerPark,littletinypotato,karma666,MelonFox,shooting-stars,CherryBombz,LilMenaceChan1,MalaloveBatim,Foxylover,Bowser,Bestiesforever and the one who introduced me to FA and my bestest friend in the whole wide world JaxsonXSanity!!!!

28.11.2020 05:50
LinkBut I am very thankful for everyone who helped me Reach This milestone you guys are my life even though you're not on this list you are in my heart as my friends and family and I am forever in your debt thank you all so much and let's make 2021 a better year and remember... When the fires of Hope die out I am here to light it up again!