

22.07.2023 05:35
Linkduude i alwasy complaina bt how nobody talks to me but when they do i get so stressed out i gotta talk to ppl more

22.07.2023 05:38
Linkthe only person i dont get tired of talking to is my best friend but hes not online alot so iv been making more friends and its so stressful bt i madr a friend were all in a gc together and theres like tennpeople snd shes soo nice to me we started talking more on timtok and she sent me two videos and i did t know how to respond so i just heart reactioned it and i was like wait thats kinda mean so i sent her cat video and she was like OMG i LOVE cats and then we started talking abt cats and aquariums and she likes aquariums too and she was the reason i made last post i think and she sends me all the cat videos she finds and i cant think of too much to say to them but shes so nice a few hours ago we were calling and plsying roblox together it was so fun her name is monica

22.07.2023 05:39
Linki think that groupchat is the only groupchat in a while where i havent specified pronouns so i let them call me she because i dont really care anymore but shes so nice we talk alot i think

22.07.2023 05:42
Linkdude whenevr i amke new friends i get soo stressed hecause i cant tell if theyre being sarcastic and then i feel like asking them would make thhem even more mad if they were or when i do they use more sarcasm and im even more confused 😢 i was talking with my bes t friend and then i was like nervous because i oukdnt tell if he was making fun of me and i didnt wanna ask i dont feel like that all the time though sometimes i get what hes saying i get whag hes saying more than everyone else atleast

22.07.2023 05:45
Linki keepr making friends snd theyre like yeah we should TOTally talk more and im like yhea and then they start talking so much and im like wow okayyr cool 😢 how do ir woson

22.07.2023 05:46
Linkdude i just realized margot robbie was palying barbie i had a dream i was named margot and another i was named robbie jn the same night

22.07.2023 05:47
Linksometimes i tru to pretend im offline just sl i dont have to talk tompeopel but then i fel bad and give thek
a heart reaction

22.07.2023 06:02
Linkmonica likes hesring anout my cats

22.07.2023 06:02
Linkshe likes sharks too i like im in love

22.07.2023 06:07
Linkwere talking about sharks im so happy