19.10.2019 11:22
Linka wild korean appears

19.10.2019 11:23
LinkEveryoNe is weLcome to HeLP

19.10.2019 11:23
Linkputs 'e' pronunciations everywhere

11.11.2019 12:57
LinkI'm am american!!

11.11.2019 12:58
LinkBut,I agree,and I just like annoying my fellow americans.
Comment removed

No no no! I’m an American, here to fight for my country with passion and a terrible sleep schedule! IVE BEEN AWAKE SINCE 4:00!! Mwahaha!
Btw ur spellings suck, it’s easier without those dumb u’s
Comment removed

You europeans spell things weird! It's fact!
Do you pronounce center 'centr-eh'??
Do you pronounce check 'check-uh'????
How about license? 'licen-k'???
That's s's job, you pretentious idiots!
Yes, I understand that sometimes, c is like an s but 'license' is not the place. You have enough c's for a word already, man.
(im obvs kidding, it doesn't matter that much. just kinda annoys me tbh)

hang on. Im an american and I use the U. and Its not like its learned habit, bc none of my fam uses it. they actually correct me on it all the time. But like, it just seems to work better for me.

I'm an American and I've always spelled those with "u"s. gUeSS iM tHe wEiRD oNe (One meaning American)

If it weren’t for the U, UNO reverse card would just be No reverse card, meaning that the card would be useless

if i remember correctly,, the only reason why we dont use the letter u in certain words is because it had been too expensive to print for newspapers to sell during a certain time period i cant name,, they had charged publishers based on how much room they would take up. because of this, they just took out unnecessary letters from words to save space.
so basically,, we spell wrong because capitalism. (also im not sure if this is correct because i barely remember reading something like this a long time ago)