- create flipbook animations online!
Lemme type real quick
26.11.2019 06:32
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Oooh! So, this is for a contest ( Boop ------> I'm not sure, I see all of the other entries so I'm thinking, creative character, and then I'm also thinking " OH AM I DOING A REF RIGHT OR NAH? " And then I'm like " y'know what, this should be good, " so hopefully, I'm doing it right.... The character has: Long front 2 teeth Forked tongue Heart finger paw prints and lots of colors, If you're seeing this ( furry trash, the creator of the contest ) Then just to let you know, I didn't add a name or gender for a reason! I'm letting you choose the gender or name ( Iffff you want to, or if I win a place- )
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