really quick ota


29.09.2020 12:54
Linkoooo any!! ^^
i mean except Jellio,stormi, and Snowflower

29.09.2020 13:00
LinkI’d trade the ota and 16+ customs or art for strawberry ^^

29.09.2020 13:04
thats alot of customs-
maybe the ota and 13 customs?

29.09.2020 13:50
LinkOkie so deal and I can also throw in some fanart if you’d like ^^

29.09.2020 15:05
LinkI'll stick with the ota and 13 customs ty tho
okay so for the customs...
#1 maybe like a jelly theme, one jelly leg and jelly spikes, small wings that the inside wing is jelly, feathers, small star shaped earrings
#2 Rock theme, a rock leg and half rock face, small rocky spikes, long ears, crystals growing on her tail and in between the rocks.
#3 overgrown flower theme, Lotsa flowers, feathers in the tail, overgrown flower eyes(like flowers across the eyes), and small vines on her legs
#4 half and half, not too complex but maybe flower crown, small wings and star halo.
#5 idk galaxy maybe? constellation pelt! um star halo.
surprise me with the rest, animal and gender dont matter, neither do names.

29.09.2020 15:11
Linkokie dokie is it okay if i do most of these on the weekend (cuz that's when i have a lot of time) ^^

29.09.2020 15:43
Linkthats fine!