Volt, Cackles & Cilo ^^

Hunting with Firepaw


And baby said- dance magic

Potato Anim-Inception

-Evening sorrow-

goose boi


02.11.2021 13:29
LinkSee all the hate comments on this? Well, those people are actually a group, and they do NOT like me. They’ve done terrible things to me and now they’re trying to make kind people and my friends hate me, such as you. Don’t fall into there trap, please.

02.11.2021 13:34
Link😞😞😞😞😞😞THATS so sad and it’s a good thing I told u what they were saying bc if not then u prob would have only had 1 follower or something like that and it would be so SAD

02.11.2021 13:36
LinkYeah! I can tell them I’ll change but they don’t believe me! If they want me to stop soooo bad why not believe me when I say I’m going to change?

02.11.2021 13:36
LinkQueenBlaze gave me a chance at first but then she started hating me again because I drew a funny Pikachu.