peak gaming


09.12.2024 16:49
Linkthis game consumed my life for the weeks alpha 2 was out and then IT GOT DE-LISTED

09.12.2024 16:50
Linkalso jesus geary has got to add a dash move to make the platforming actually fun because some jumps are so narrow and so wide that you need perfectly good angles

I just need to finish level two, tidy up some coding, test mobile controls,
And then lie in wait for Griffpatch to upload a video on sliding

On an unrelated note, I made it ridiculously hard to beat, SOLELY because most platformers are boring & often follow a too basic premise, & if I want to present a unique platformer, I gotta present a unique difficulty
Quoting Arsi Hakita Patala:
"Why would I make a shield if you already have a parry? It's just a boring version of a parry."