
bird and fishi

Eye am back >:3


4Mah Fwend King~ >//<)<3

Werecat #2

Some Information About JM.


29.08.2021 15:37

29.08.2021 15:39
LinkSo this'll be a brief summary of interesting tidbits about Jm-
As explaining things such as what the void is and how it interacts with souls is lengthy

29.08.2021 15:43
Link-JM doesn't experience time linearly, and is constantly switching between different timelines. however, he switches between two time stamps so rapidly, that he's essentially experiencing two pieces of time at the exact same time.
Because he doesn't experience time linearly, He'll often say things that won't make sense at random. This non-linear experience of time also leaves him very confused when it comes to the past- because he tends to switch between different parts in time, making his information on the past jumbled.

29.08.2021 15:48
Link-JM Is two different entities coming together to form one. One being a spirit, and the other being a disconnected part of the void hivemind. because of the nature of the soul, it's capable of influencing the void piece that is with it. at the same time, the void entity influences the spirit. Because of this, it causes JM to be highly unpredictable, as you could put him in the exact same situation two times, and he's capable of having two completely different responses.
The only things the two entity's share in common is the want for chaos, making this the closest thing to a constant in it's personality. even then, that can change, though it tends to not.

29.08.2021 15:50
Link-JM is, in technicality, an Inanimate object. it's not a living being, it's just sentient.

29.08.2021 15:52
Link-JM has the ability to take any form. though, the "J" and "M" are almost always somewhere on whatever it takes the form of.

29.08.2021 15:56
Link-JM can sentiently exist in 3 different universes at the same time.
Unlike with not experiencing time linearly, he doesn't confuse events from different universes with eachother.
though, the ammount of void it's able to maintain in a singular universe depends on just how much void exists in said universe.

29.08.2021 15:58
LinkAnyway, that's all that I can remember.

29.08.2021 18:20
LinkIf you have any questions about the character, Just ask.