So sad, so sad

Civil Rights

poorly animated asriel

Practice Emotions

Edge Of The Woods


L.A fanart: so it begins...
S.O.S..send help!!


24.12.2018 17:26
Linkok so where do i start..
so.., i was with pman the other night, Chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool.When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood...

24.12.2018 17:26
Linkthey took me into a strange black car, it smelt like ****..
so here i'm thinkin it's just another one of those people who's gonna beat the living shit outta me, my basic monster of the week. until i realized they had the words "nasa"on their shirt
"mother ****ers work for nasa?" i said. so they took me to their what they called "base" and shoved me in a capsule. i think they USED to work for nasa figuring what their doing is illegal but hey from the looks of it i'm going to space!!!...i'm going to space..Im GOiNg TO spAce!?!?!, before i knew it i was 6 feet up in the air soon to be 135000. so here i am floating in space until i realize there was sound coming from the back, something about, "destination found?" whatever that is. a week went by and now i'm here. i think i blacked up because of the lack of oxygen.

24.12.2018 17:27
Linki would be dead right now,but because my cartoony features i don't obey with the laws of physics. so now i'm stuck...on this planet...it's not mars cuz theres oxygen..or it can just be me not following laws of physics again..if anyone can try to get me out of where ever the **** i am, i'd preciate.