Io x Cinnabar AMV/PMV!
04.04.2021 19:32
04.04.2021 19:43
Linkpart 1: Intro: Even if we can't find heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven
just a pic of the cover thingy))
part 2: Hands, put your empty hands in mine/And scars, show me all the scars you hide
cinnabar holding io's talons face-up, showing some scars))
part 3: And hey, if your wings are broken/Please take mine 'til yours can open too/'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
cinnabar and io with opened wings, io looking like she's keeping cinnabar up))
part 4: Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes
split screen, zooming in to one f io's and one of cinnabar's eyes to see tears))
part 5: And hurt, I know you're hurting but so am I
still split screen, both of them showing wounds))
part 6: And love, if your wings are broken/Borrow mine so yours can open too
io spreading her wings around cinnabar))
part 7: 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you/Even if we're breaking down/We can find a way to break through
io and cinnabar breaking down one of the walls of Cicada Hive))
part 8: Even if we can't find heaven
04.04.2021 19:57
Linkpart 8: Even if we can't find heaven/I'll walk through hell with you
io and cinnabar walking through Cicada Hive))
part 9: Love, you're not alone/'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
cinnabar twining her tail with io's))
part 10: Even if we can't find heaven/I'm gonna stand by you
cinnabar and io standing determinedly next to each other))
part 11:
repeat part 8))
part 12:
repeat part 9))
part 13: Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed
cinnabar and io with their tails twined once again))
part 14: And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating/And love, if your wings are broken))
cinnabar and io with their wings around each other))
part 15: We can brave through those emotions too/'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
cinnabar and io being defiant in front of some random HiveWings))
part 16: And oh, truth I guess truth is what you believe in/And faith, I think faith is having a reason
cinnabar and io nodding and turning toward Cicada Hive))
part 17:
repeat part 6))
part 18:
04.04.2021 20:06
Linkpart 18:
repeat part 7))
part 19:
repeat part 8))
part 20:
repeat part 9))
part 21:
repeat part 10))
part 22:
repeat part 8))
part 23:
repeat part 9))
part 24: I'll be your eyes 'til yours can shine/And I'll be your arms I'll be your steady satellite
cinnabar leaning against io with her eyes closed, while io holds her up and checks to be sure they're safe(ish)))
part 25: And when you can't rise/Well, I'll crawl with you on hands and knees 'cause I
cinnabar and io crawling forward slowly))
part 26:
repeat part 7))
part 27:
repeat part 8))
part 28:
repeat part 9))
part 30:
repeat part 10))
part 31:
repeat part 8))
part 32:
repeat part 9))
part 33: Even if we can't find heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven/I'm gonna stand by you
fades back into the cover thingy))
04.04.2021 20:09
Link-parts are fcfs (just say "i'll take _" and it's yours)
-you can take up to 2 parts
-please keep the parts in time with the music
-you don't have to do the parts that say "repeat part _" because i'll just reuse whatever is being repeated for it
-please keep to my designs for cinnabar and io (the designs are on the attached anim)
04.04.2021 21:07
Linkbtw i'm taking the intro and part 33
07.04.2021 13:46
Linkhere's the cover
08.04.2021 15:40
Linkhere's this for the outro