Alircius Zervos (new oc!)


27.03.2020 22:55
Linkmy new occcccc
talk to him if ya want.

27.03.2020 23:02
LinkName: Alircius Zervos
Aliases: The Holy Sword
Age: 187 (looks late 20s- early 30s)
Race: chaos goblin…?
Gender: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 7ft
Weight: ??? but he stronk. So like, 200 somethin pounds.
- Golden blonde hair, tied back in a long ponytail
- Cold teal eyes
- A couple of moles flecked across his otherwise perfect skin
- light tan skin
- Quite muscular
- Handsome
- Usually seen in full armor. It is made of a rare and magical metal, almost seeming white. He has dark teal cloth hanging from some spots with gold detailing on them. The whole suit is quite detailed and strong. Really heavy too, although he makes it seem like it’s as light as a feather.
- When he’s not in his armor, he’s seen with a simple long sleeved shirt, some simple pants, sleek black boots, and a beautiful white sheer shawl/scarf thing with gold detailing.
- Your run of the mill paladin
- Perfectionist
- Loyal
- Blah blah blah
- Everything to be perfect

27.03.2020 23:03
Link- His “god”, Alteir. (he thinks that Alteir is perfect (Alteir is the king))
- baking
- Imperfect things
- His enemies
- Morgana’s sadism
- Holy knight type of deal for the enemy kingdom
- baker
- Light: His light magic is quite powerful, as well as having quite the deep mana storage.
- Healing: His light can heal, to the point where he can easily heal himself in battle.
Broken bone: 5 minutes
Stab wound (that goes completely through. Front to back): three minutes
His healing ability can be overwhelmed if you’re fast enough to get a lot of damage on him.
- Strength: 20% Deku (overall not current)
- Sword: Has a sword as big and burly as him, and when drawn glows with a white light. The magic can be launched out as an attack. (Think the getsuga tensho from bleach)
- Sharp sense: All five of them are heightened, as well as having 6th sense. He can sense danger from 5 ft away.