

09.10.2020 19:49
LinkOkie so your oc decided to challenge themselves or were having a race with a friend to see if they could make it to the end of the maze of bushed or something.and probably after a while of walking you realised that you were lost.hh there was no signal and ur oc ig couldn't fly or move plant(cuz what fun would that be)and ig just kept walking hopeing to find the exit sooner or later...it started getting dark and cold and ur oc started getting worried ig then all of a sudden this scarecrow boy tapped you on the shoulder.he looked tired and he asked if you were lost.wwyd?

09.10.2020 19:50
LinkHere is his ref

((I don’t, have a ref sheet of her sorry)
“Uh, yeah..I’m Lost dang it my friend in is going to beat me..”