Team CULR(Colour) Weapons-RWBY
19.08.2018 21:17
LinkOkay, so the members of Team CULR (pronounced Colour) are my RWBY OC's. I'll explain each member's weapon in the comments.
The team consists of Celeste Azure, the leader, Umber Shade, Lin Bronze, and Rose Garnet. Also, I know the team name is really weird. I was going to do either team PLUM or CRML (Caramel) but I really wanted someone named Umber and someone named Celeste on the team.
19.08.2018 21:20
LinkCeleste - Her weapon is called Nightshade. It's 2 daggers/knife things. She stores them by retracting the blades and connecting hilt's together. The hilt can also turn into a bow. (Also, they're infused with dust. She prefers to use gravity dust). She uses her weapon with her semblance: Telekinesis.
If you've seen RWBY, you probably know that Glynda Goodwitch has the same semblance and that no two semblances are alike. The difference is that Goodwitch can use her telekinesis on anything she wants while Celeste can only move things that she has previously made contact with. When using her semblance, the things she is moving are surrounded by a blue haze/aura thing, which is the same colour of her aura.
She sometimes uses her daggers with her hands, and sometimes she uses her telekinesis to move them around so she can fight with her fists/focus on more than one enemy.
19.08.2018 21:23
LinkUmber - His weapon is called Lodestar. Its a sword with a detachable whip. The sword can also fold up to create a gun that shoots out dust projectiles. His weapon is primarily purple in colour.
Umber's semblance is emotional manipulation. He is able to sense the emotions of people (and Grimm) around him and control them. This semblance is useful in a fight because he can make the other team 'fall apart' or he can calm his own team down if they're in a mess.
19.08.2018 21:30
LinkLin - His weapon is called Firefly. He has two of the thing drawn. Again, they fire dust projectiles, and he prefers to use fire dust in battle. He can also use it as a melee weapon.
His semblance allows him to create domed forcefields around him (and later on, he is able to create them without needing to be directly under it... if that makes any sense). The forcefields absorb any damage dealt to them and channel them to Lin. He is then able to use that energy to fight when the force field is lowered.
19.08.2018 21:38
LinkRose - Finally, her weapons are two axes that can also fire dust projectiles from the top. She is incredibly skilled with them and is very agile.
Her semblance is called Perception. It allows her to change the perception of time for herself or other people. It can let her (or her team) be able to react more quickly or slow down the reaction time for her opponents. However, her semblance (or the use of it?) is entirely dependant on her focus.
So, if someone or something breaks her focus, the effects of her semblance will wear off.
19.08.2018 22:02
LinkAlso a side note about the semblances
Celeste - While using her telekinesis, most of the weight is dispersed (or something? idk?), meaning she doesn't feel it. However, when moving things that are physically larger than her, she feels some strain on her body (this doesn't include small movements, of course. She won't feel strain if she uses her semblance to cause someone to fall). This includes most people because she is fairly short. Not as short as Neo or Nora, but fairly short.
Umber - If the other person's aura is too strong, they can block him out. And there's a risk that someone else's emotions will merge with his own
Lin - When he first discovered his semblance, it was hard for him to move around when it was activated. He's slowly gotten better, though. It's a LOT less difficult for him to move around when his semblance is activated (still hard though)