Free customs?


13.01.2021 15:15
LinkI feel like designing things but nobody wants my otas and I don't like designing things for myself too much

13.01.2021 15:16
LinkI can't design human ocs though

Uh, could I get a protogen?
Main colors being white on the body, black on the belly and underside of the tail, and dark blue stripes on the body.
Can the tail be long, but you can decide between aquatic or just floofy.
One set of ears.
Legs/thighs on the less thicc side.

A Cat
Black On Top White Under Belly, Legs, Paws, And White On The Underside Of Le Tail
And Do A Calico Body I Dont Know How To Explain The Calicos Shape And What Positions It Can Go Into Just Do A Black Cat With What I Explained And Green Eyes Also Do A Skinny Tail And Do It A Bit Longer Than A Usual Cats Tail-

Calico isn't a breed- it's a fur pattern
Why does nobody know this?
A calico cat is a domestic cat of any breed with a tri-colour coat. The calico cat is most commonly thought of as being typically 25% to 75% white with large orange and black patches; however, the calico cat can have any three colours in its pattern.