All The amazing animators!

-=ClOuD rUnNeR=-

Dearest Darling, My Universe.

@sophythebat >w0

lol wait that’s a cop


Leaving FlipAnim...


29.12.2020 04:35
LinkI’m sorry to say but I am leaving FlipAnim...it’s for an anonymous reason, but valid. Having 100+ followers is just amazing, I thank you all for that. We all also know about many of the dramas formed, not blaming the users. There are also many trolls, mean and rude users. But it’ll be time for me to end my nearly one year long journey of FlipAnim. Love all the people who supported me through the journey❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

29.12.2020 04:35
LinkOh and I really want to keep in touch with some of you so if you have discord, here is mine: random user #8673

29.12.2020 04:35
LinkI’ll be here for a few more days and then say goodbye.
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Comment removed

29.12.2020 04:40
LinkI’ll miss you too!

Omg! I don’t know you but you seem so sweet! I’m so sad that you have too leave :( although you are leaving a sight, you will NEVER I say NEVER be kicked out of the art community, I hope you enjoy your life outside flipanim!

Awww I knew you were sweet! ❤️
I’ll be more than happy to see you pop up again, everyone needs a long hard break, I had A LONGG break from flipanim as it literally effects anyone (and me) mentally, I finally understood my life is more than an internet persona so I came back, ONLY for kindness and the sake of holiday entertainment, when my school starts I will focus on my life and myself way more although I will not fully leave.
So taking a break/leaving will help you mentally and you will be so much happier but I will be more than happy to see you come online on flipanim anyway <3

oh no! i understand your reasoning. i will definetly miss you on fa. and i will keep in touch with you on discord. :)

Ignore the trolls, it happenes to lot of people, don’t leave!

I just followed you and ngl you seem very nice! I’m sorry to see you leave, hope you come back some day again! :))
And I’m new so idk much about this site, I don’t know the drama either. But I hope that they stop and FlipAnim is a great drawing website :)

Hey Deeps, just checked this out cuz u told me ur leaving
I can't believe people would do that, but that's the world for you
I'm so glad we can keep in touch, keep making your amazing art somewhere else! You were one of my best friends on FA <3
But now one of my best friends IRL!!!
Stay safe and...

Aw I'm so sorry you're leaving
Well all really miss you and your amazing art
I hope carry on doing other art though!