announcement not important tbh
04.02.2021 13:28
Linkum so yeah this account is named after my hamster, Fozzy, but hamsters only live two years. Fozzy developed a cancerous tumor, and we knew he wasn't going to live long. On the 28th December i noticed something wasn't right. He was still breathing but he wasn't moving and wasn't waking up. I got him out of his cage and put him on my lap. At that point i knew he was dying, and i was crying my eyes out. He peacefully died as i was cuddling him. I just thought that i should tell you all since this account is named after him.
04.02.2021 13:29
Linkbtw his gender has not changed, i know i told you all he was a she, but we were wrong and the vet was like 'he has a tumor' and i was like 'she' and the vet was like' nO hE'
04.02.2021 13:30
LinkAwwww I feel so bad rip fozzy the hamster
04.02.2021 13:31
Linkhe had a good life and died in my arms, i know this is a weird thing to say but it was sort of like the perfect death
04.02.2021 13:32
LinkHope ur doing ok without him