

07.10.2020 05:56
LinkOki so ya this is like a sort of vent ig. Don't worry! I'm alright :)
I just wanted to express to u guys that it's okay to overthink and feel stressed/overwhelmed/upset
You're not always going to feel %100, and that's perfectly fine.
Please know that people love and care for you. I love and care for you.
I'm always here to chat, no matter the subject. I want my followers to know how much I care about them :)
(Ofc, i care for other people aside from my followers).
You just gotta remember that u are a lovely person! you're worth everything to me hun, And i can guarantee
that others feel the same about you.
You're not alone oki sweetheart :)
ILY! <3 <3 <3

I know this sounds like cocky but,,
I feel you
About the whole overthinking thing
And everything u said in that comment
Back at u
Ur a wonderful person
I barely know you but you give me such good vibes that I already want to be ur friend.