

05.04.2023 15:45
LinkI wanna actually rebuild the lore to kitty n shit but I don't at the same time because I don't wanna get reattached to the old characters I made when I was younger and severely mentally ill

05.04.2023 15:47
LinkMy younger self is someone I'd wanna kill but defend at the same time
I'm sure there isn't a single soul on this site who'd remember these characters all of my old followers r dead

Castle of Topaz - A castle made and built by the royal family known as the 'Royal Blue' Family, the name was developed due to most of the cats(furries) in the family turned out the color blue. The castle of Topaz belongs in the city & town "Howlite" A place where many of any kind are welcomed. A long time ago, in ancient times, the city and the royal blues had struggled battling with a species known as "The Gloom." Most of these creatures are born under a leader whoms intentions are and were corrupting the city and turning more into what they call "The Glooms." A war had struck between the royal blue family and the glooms, the city had fought for their home. Soon enough, the leader of the royal blues had found a solution to the war. They had retrieved a large, dark, gem. That was used against the glooms in the past to capture them, during the war the gem was used yet again to capture the glooms.. it kept them sealed for a long amount of time, until many years later...