

23.11.2022 03:15
Vix sat next to a large hole in the cave showing the sunset and she smiled. Suddenly and burst of wind blowing a message towards the hole blew vix over the note land on her face - SPLAT - XD
She got up clawing the not and then looking at it
Dear crew. From storm flight.
As I was killed I saw that you had quite a lot more. Relationship with vix more than me. I've decided to take sides with hell. For revenge so I have kindly written this noite for a warning! And please share this with everyone.
She looked angry and turned around in a sigh she walked into a more large part of the cave sitting on a small flat surfed rock was a soft pile of grass and leaves i suppose was peacock with his feathered and tail bushed in the leaves he gently put down a juice box
“Hm?.” he spoke vix widened her eyes and loudly said “STORM FLIGHT IS COMING FROM THE DEAD AND IS-” red claw jumped down from a ledge of a hole in the upper of the den with a bed / her room she growled with a black storm cloud “THAT'S IMPOS

23.11.2022 03:15
Linkvix handed red claw the note “then who could possibly write this death note? Hm,” a tear fell from red claws eye “she. Wants to kill us?.” she sniffed looking angerly up at vix “THIS IS YOUR FAULT.” she stepped towards vix peacock