sleepover stuff


10.03.2025 03:59
LinkOK to keep this organized being as a group we can use a group comment n take turns in THIS order I pulled from a magic wheel...
1. chance
2. mafioso
3. 1x
4. two time
5. azure
6. shedletsky
and if u wanna have a one on one conversation and not contribute with the group fo ra little feel free to make a comment!

10.03.2025 04:00
Linktheres no rules.. just chaos... have fun,,,

10.03.2025 04:04
Linkif u wnna skip ur turn probably just say so dont feel compelled to answer everything :]

Do not blow my house up. As for uno, that seems a lot more convenient..
* He glanced around for a moment, looking for a place to play, before walking towards a table covered in papers, promptly scooping them up and ruining his neat personal desk by dumping the papers on it, going back to the other table afterward and waving his hands around it exaggeratedly.
Behold! The play area!..

* He snatched the envelope quickly, face slightly flushing a pink hue as he held it tightly to the point of the paper crinkling slightly as he turned away.
It’s sort of.. slightly pertaining to you? I would’ve given it to you earlier if I’d—
* He cut himself off, raising his free hand to his mouth as he looked for the right words.
..I’d say don’t worry about it, but it feels like you will anyway.

* After a moment of hesitation with his eyes darting around the room, he slouched slightly.
I.. alright, I honestly do want to show you this, I really do, it’s just..
* He paused to consider everything, pacing before seeming to finally settle on something.
I don’t know how you’ll react. It’s nothing bad, I promise.

- The letter had scribbles of rabbits and fox motifs lining the edges, scribbled out words and messily drawn hearts being present. The writing was nearly out of character for Chance, but indistinguishably written by the gambler himself. It held words he'd never be able to say out loud, a mess of thoughts scrawled across the page all pertaining to Mafioso himself, his feelings for him, nothing but words of positivity and adoration.
* It was a love letter.