wee woo


08.01.2021 15:37
Link1. They are german, very german
2. They are absolutely terrified or electricity due to what i said in my last post and any form of electricity will most likely give them a full blown panic attack
3. They have a very high pain tolerance
4. they really like chocci milk
5. They have a doll of their own which apparently contains the soul of their dead mom and if you touch doll prepare to die

08.01.2021 15:42
Link6. They are mostly mean in hopes to hide their fear
7. If they like you they will just follow you around or just grab onto you and not let go
8. They are part wendigo
9. they are terrified of most full grown people
10. they have severe anxiety about their height

09.01.2021 01:15
Link11. their real name is actually Bradley but get angy and sad if you call them anything but Bailey
12. They scared of cat
13. They are pretty much constantly twitchy

german noodle deer is best noodle deer.
i cant stop imagining him with this deep/thick german accent and just:
Person A: *looks at the doll* oh wow what a pretty doll! imma keep it!
Bailey: Who you callin a doll. *****in deep voice with such a thick german accent its almost impossible to understand*
Person A: *confused/disgusted/fear face*
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