This is Moon


20.07.2018 23:31
LinkMoon is essentially like the king of the guardians, it’s the wisest, strongest, etc out of all of them, it being the one who gave them the immortal role they play to this day, it was first of all beings, it is the galaxy itself and can strip a guardian of their role if it feels necessary ( this is just for my page, i’m not trying to insult anyone's religion) if someone however passes the border between his domain and the forest, without hesitation he will kill them, he can’t risk someone spreading rumors, inside the border everything shows of bright colors in pinks, blue,green etc , and the moon always hangs strong in the sky, in the center there’s a crystal palace where it lives
Personality- wise,quiet, for the most part emotionless
Height-15 ft
In RP- you’ll never see it really, so there’s like a 10% chance that it’ll ever happen