little valafar for nichole
No time to die
Thank you all!
WaTcH m E
Dusk Garden ~ @goopjuice
me and my new best freind
05.05.2020 16:46
Linki sped a lot of time to make it realistif
05.05.2020 16:51
Linkcomic is my ndew frem
05.05.2020 21:32
Linkthis doesn't look realistic... *face slap*
Comment removed
05.05.2020 21:39
LinkCovid-19 is a virus particle with an RNA blueprint inside it, the spikes covering Covid-19 come through your eyes or your nose and attaches to your lungs cells, then it injects the RNA into the cell, so the cell doesn't make more cells but it now makes Covid-19 particles. later it will destroy itself and release new viruses into your lungs, kill you, and then infect the next unlucky person.
05.05.2020 21:42
Linkand don't say this doesn't make sense, maybe the neurons in your brain don't have this thought pathway called "science and reality". Now go and ponder your life out. sadly you can't understand this because I can say you normally use 10.23% of your brain (Which is missing some stuff).
06.05.2020 01:31
LinkIF you were an adult you would understand some of it
07.05.2020 14:52
Linkwhy does hot-cool look boiled
07.05.2020 21:38
LinkCovid-19 is a virus particle with an RNA blueprint inside it, the spikes covering Covid-19 come through your eyes or your nose and attaches to your lungs cells, then it injects the RNA into the cell, so the cell doesn't make more cells but it now makes Covid-19 particles. later it will destroy itself and release new viruses into your lungs, kill you, and then infect the next unlucky person.
Infinite-FURY05.05.2020 21:42
and don't say this doesn't make sense, maybe the neurons in your brain don't have this thought pathway called "science and reality". Now go and ponder your life out. sadly you can't understand this because I can say you normally use 10.23% of your brain (Which is missing some stuff).
Infinite-FURY06.05.2020 01:31
IF you were an adult you would understand some of it
Comment removed
10.05.2020 01:08
Y e s Y e s
10.05.2020 12:41
Y u p
19.05.2020 23:01
LinkActually, some people have a chance of LIVING instead of dying from the coronavirus (Mostly younger children, but elders with something wrong with their system... may not survive). Also, there is many symptoms of the coronavirus; cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell- if someone was showing the symptoms, they should get checked for the coronavirus. If you were 9+ like me, you would understand EVERY.SINGLE.word I said.