wip 1


28.10.2021 23:28
LinkAagh, moose,, I'm taking a break from FA and won't see the finished product of this, when it comes, so I just wanted to say this looks amazing and I could probaly imagine how much better it could get when it's finished, I may not come back to see it, though.

28.10.2021 23:29
Linkoh... ok :( how long?

28.10.2021 23:30
LinkI dunno, maybe a mouth or less? it's from pure stress

28.10.2021 23:30

28.10.2021 23:33

28.10.2021 23:36
Linkif someone said something, just block em and delete the comment, its really not worth the trouble, i dont think its fair that people are such garbage pieces of crap that they made my bestfriend leave, ok?
those people, they can suck my you know what.
someone hates you, hate them back a lil, no need for that.
i got bullied for 5 years, 2 years in i shaved my head thinking theyd stop bullying me, but it just kept going, now in this case you have an advantage, you can stop them, so try, rather than giving up just try, i beileve in you, but still... i have no right to tell you not to leave, leave if you reallly want to but, please please please please PLEASE give coming back a second thought for me