"Do you like..." unfinished~


26.03.2022 04:12
“Ne, Roorando…”
“Oshie te kudasai.”
“Anata wa… minna… suki desu ka?”
“Hey, Roland”
“Tell me.”
“Do you… like.. Men..?”
(Everything else is in English)
“Aren’t I… too old for you?”
“What’s with the Japanese…?”
“ええ?!N-No! That’s not what I’m getting at!”
“Also, I didn’t want anyone listening in…”

26.03.2022 04:14
LinkI realized... I'm really not using this site a lot anymore.
I can't say I've gotten bored with it, but I don't have good enough content to post lately.
We just finished up the first week back from Spring Break. Kinda tired to be honest.
But I still have ideas... just not the ideas you guys probably want.
I'll be drawing stuff from other stories until I become interested in FlipVille again.

26.03.2022 04:20
LinkOH! ALSO!!
I found out how to change my keyboard settings to type in Japanese whenever I want!
I don't know if you can tell, but I feel so POWERFUL right now!!
I can type whatever I want without anybody knowing what I said! (Without the use of a translator at least)
But I'll be nice and make sure to translate and elaborate all of what I say (I basically said "Awesome, right?" which is pronounced "Subarashi yo ne?")
ANYWAYS! Hope you guys like this little short! I'm IN LOVE with these characters... and although they're not a couple (just co-workers) these two are honestly so cute together (more of a brotherly dynamic)
Looking forward to either finishing this... or just drawing more of them! Not making any promises for anything!